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The Energy Fields of Your Own Inner Power

Katherine Lieber

Energy fields imbue you with power. Learn how to work with yours for rewarding results.

Within your HEART, within your STRENGTH, within everything you are and do, is an underlying force that creates guidance and connection: your energy fields. As a powerful person, the more you can understand about your own inner energies and how they operate, the MORE you can cultivate and hold the inner power to create profit, prosperity, and peace.

Why do I include reference to energy work, especially with a background as a business process analyst and data engineer? Well - because it's ESSENTIAL to a higher level of success. When you don't know about energy fields, you have only half the information of the forces governing your life.

Some symptoms of neglected energy fields:

  • You may find life is a struggle of anxious action and fearful futures, in which you feel you must mentally over-plan and control every action and outcome to achieve success.

  • You may find your body limps along in fatigue and illness, half-powered, never feeling strong.

  • You may spend your days wondering why life feels like a cardboard cutout rather than a real experience.

  • You may struggle with emotions and lack of focus caused by disrupted energy systems.

Get past all that! You can stand in POWER now by reclaiming your ancient, inner energy heritage. An energetically balanced body is connected and infused by strength in amazing ways - ways FAR BEYOND anything the average person experiences in a day.

You can stand in POWER now by reclaiming your ancient, inner energy heritage. An energetically balanced body is connected and infused by strength in amazing ways. Click to tweet.

If you're an empath or an introvert, you may especially appreciate connecting with your energies deliberately, as these represent ways you can manage the draining influences of others' presences. Also, if you are constantly in the presence of EMF (electromagnetic frequencies), understanding the energy body can also help you RETAIN your power, which is drained by such frequencies.

Here are four systems to explore to build your ability to hold power in your life:

Chakras. As energy master Donna Eden notes, "your chakras tell and encode your story, but can also hold your story back if energetically blocked". The chakras bring energy in from the universe, and send it throughout the body. They therefore serve as important mediators between what goes on in the world and your life, and you. The basics on chakras are easy to Google, but really in-depth study is harder to find. See the Donna Eden book referenced at the end of this post for a superb guide on working with your chakras. A strong energy body has free-flowing chakras that easily mediate throughout the day's challenges. How will you work with your chakras today?

Meridians. Meridians also distribute energy throughout the body. If blocked, they can cause pain, even provide the underlying energy disruption that can trigger disease. Those who are familiar with acupuncture know the value it brings to rebalancing your meridians and creating ease. That ease and flow, of course, is essential to your POWER. Meridians can be disturbed by reactions to the environment, indigestion, infection, hard emotions, and EMF (wifi). Amazingly, there's a high level of self-care you can do to rebalance your meridians to maintain your best energy. What will you do today to help your meridians?

Aura. Your aura contains and bounds your energies. It's also a filter that brings energy in from what's around you, into your chakra and other systems. Through life's trauma it can develop leaks, lesions and tears. There are many aspects of self-care you can do to repair and ensure a thriving aura. You can also use it as a tool, setting it with intention for each day, and determining what it filters in or blocks out for you (useful for empaths and introverts). How's your aura doing today?

Lineage Energies. Lineage and ancestral patterns are also important. Just like DNA, you have brought forward the ancestral story, or particular family energies, of your forebears, and you embody these in your current life. These may be holding you back from reclaiming or holding your OWN inner power, your vision, and your ability to create the life you desire. They can even be holding you back in the workplace and in professional spheres. A quick way to work with ancestral energies on any topic is to draw a family tree and write in brief notes about how your grandparents, parents, and yourself handle this particular topic. You will quickly see how the ancestral patterns play out in your own life. When you do that, you can thank them politely and rise above. Which lineage energy can you change and improve the most?

Your body is an energy field that operates within the natural energies of the earth, as well as has its own subtle systems. To hold more power and better power, to hold it longer and more effectively, learn to understand, feel, and balance your energetic systems. Focus on each system with the intention of improving your HEART-BASED VISION, your inner power to bring your life and others' lives into balance, and all the personal, professional, and career goals.

Which energy system will you explore today? How will you use these to enhance your ability to hold power in creating your personal and professional vision of life?

Keep Growing,

The book referenced is:

Eden, Donna. Energy Medicine: Balancing your Body’s Energies for Optimal Health, Joy, and Vitality. 2008. New York : Jeremy P. Tarcher. See it on Amazon. Donna's book is a comprehensive study of practical work with MANY energy systems, not just chakras, meridians, and auras as described above. A must read, from a master on the subject!

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