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The 9-Step Process to Reframe Your Life For Limitlessness

Katherine Lieber

We usually begin with the mindset, but what is the process and how does it work?

Your life as it is now is probably not limitless. It may be focused around limits or have-to's, the roadblocks set around you by cultural thinking, or simply the way you've lived life up until now, mostly or entirely on an autopilot that was set and framed back when you were a child.

So a Limitlessness Project is the best way to begin the eye-opening journey of realizing you're so much more than you think. But while you're on your project, you can also make it a habit - embedding the ways of limitlessness into the fabric of your life, because that's what helps you go farther in all things.

Nine Steps, Endless Rewards

Reframe your life for limitlessness by ensuring you have the belief, vision, energy, and behaviors to sustain it. Below are nine steps to take you farther along your path - including one that should be your TOP priority:

  1. Believe you are limitless.

  2. Grow a bigger vision.

  3. Get clear, but not too clear.

  4. Maintain your energy.

  5. Choose to change.

  6. Act more than plan.

  7. Know when to rest.

  8. Always work to crack the code on what limits you.

  9. Ensure consistency.

The Steps Explored

Here are a few details, so you can connect the steps with real-life actions.

  1. Believe you are limitless. Choose to believe you are limitless, because you are. Examine what you think your limits are. Realize that the limits of what you think your potential or your ability are, are only what you’ve chosen to believe.

  2. Grow a bigger vision. Set your sights higher and for what you truly desire - make your goal that of making this higher version of your vision become your new normal. Draw a larger circle that compasses your limits right now, and fill that in. Believe you can reach for and become this level of MORE - even if you don’t know the way right now.

  3. Get clear, but not too clear. Figure out the next few steps, but don’t try to work out an elaborate plan, which can just exhaust you in its development, and bog you down with its supposed requirements. Things may change quickly and your elaborate plan may rapidly become outdated.

  4. Maintain your energy. (Looking for the one that should be your TOP priority? This is it.) The change you’re creating takes energy, and lots of it -- more energy than the routine of everyday life (which is one reason people stay stuck where they are). So, a primary predictor of success on your limitlessness goal is the daily level of energy, focus, and decision-making you can bring to it. If you are already struggling with feeling fatigued, weary, burned out, ill, aching, mentally fried by 5:00p, zombie brain in the evenings, meeting too many needs, or task-overbooked, you can't create the limitlessness you need. NOW is the time to set your boundaries, get the knowledge, and rebuild your health. Make ENERGY HEALTH as much a priority for you as bodily health.

  5. Choose to change. Consistently choose experiences of change that lead you to that higher vision, or that simply open you up to change and how it functions for you. Change is a key aspect of limitlessness - it will call you to change, change, and keep changing, but the changes are the positives that are leading you to new growth.

  6. Act more than plan. As in Step 3, don't try to work out an elaborate plan. Let your overall vision guide you. Take small action steps to rapidly develop. Action will teach you far faster than over-planning trying to "get it perfect" before you do anything. Really, strike the word "failure" from your vocabulary. Use "feedback", "results", "data". There is no failure, there is only data that helps you revise for next time.

  7. Know when to rest. Change is cyclical. It requires a resting period during which you won’t change, or may even feel you’ve slid back. Let it happen and realize it will pass on its own as you process the new information. You'll be back in action soon.

  8. Always work to crack the code on what limits you. By definition, reaching for limitlessness will cause you to run into the beliefs, emotions, habits, situations, and other aspects that have limited you. Be compassionate toward yourself, and consistently work to reflect, understand, and move through these as learning experiences.

  9. Ensure consistency. Consistent action toward your vision is the keystone of limitlessness. Find the strategies that maintain this for you. One way is keeping notes that dial you in to when you last worked on your project and what you did.

Lastly, Check in and reflect, then repeat the cycle. Keep a journal or logbook. Check in weekly, or at end of other time cycle if you're working with days, months, etc. How have you grown? Celebrate and honor your progress.

The primary predictor of success on your limitlessness goal is the daily level of energy you can bring to it. So work vigilantly to ensure you have the highest level of "energy health" available to you.

Think about the nine steps. Can you see how each one connects with building your limitlessness? Which ones resonate with your experience? Which do you have the most struggle with? Those are the ones to focus most gently and consistently on. Find ways to enact them while still remaining authentically you. If you repeatedly lose focus on a particular step, there is usually some kind of fear underlying it - what could it be?

Keep reaching for limitless. How can your limitlessness help your own life, your community, and a world that needs you?

Keep Growing,

Katherine Lieber coaches and trains on self-leadership, limitlessness, energy health, inner power, and healing the wounded professional to recover your core vision in the workplace. She's the founder of TitaniumBlue. Be limitless - be the hero in a world that needs you!

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