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Playful? Empowering? Use Work Words to Power Up Your Work Day

Katherine Lieber

When you begin to change your energies around work, work changes its energies around you.

Work is a reflection of the energies you bring to it. If you’ve never examined your thoughts about work, you might be carrying around some pretty stale, useless, unhappy ideas that are dragging down your day.

Those unspoken assumptions about what work is, what your role is, what you should be doing, feeling, achieving, what your day should look or feel like, are CREATING your experience and how you perceive the situations around you.

Peaceful office corridor with sliding doors
What if work were a REFUGE? A HARMONIZER? A CALMING INFLUENCE? Set the tone with Work Words.

Too often this means you’re just carrying around the luggage of unexamined ideas that you’ve been taught about work by family, friends, colleagues, the media, and society at large. Things like “work is overwhelming” or “I’m always behind” or “I should be lucky just to have a job, even though this is giving me ulcers with the stress” or “I’m so underpaid for doing the job I do” or "no one listens to what I have to say". Thoughts that work is demeaning, a burden, a stress-inducer, a hated necessity, something you do until you can escape through retirement, overwhelming, hateful, a dead-end.


All these are truly disempowering, and you're probably using a lot of them on yourself without realizing.

So let's change that.

Pick Your Work Words

What if you just STOPPED all that and began to see work as something different? What if YOU GET TO CHOOSE what the work day feels like to you? What "Work Words" would you RATHER be embodying?

Take a stand for yourself, and pick a new set of Work Words. What if your work was…

  • playful

  • empowering

  • exhilarating

  • connecting

  • expansive

  • rewarding

  • calming

  • fun

  • satisfying

  • peacefully productive

  • wildly expansive

  • intensely goal-achieving

  • ...add your own!

Pick one of those words for today and begin to embody it. When you think, “PLAYFUL”, notice how this changes your approach to the projects you’re facing. When you think “CONNECTIVE”, how can you see how what you do is connecting people with the resources they most need?

Playful? Empowering? The more you embody your Work Word, the more you call its energy in to meet you in the work day. As you apply the language of your own choice to approaching your work, your work experience itself will change in response. Click to Tweet

Get creative and mix and match your Work Words. See how they re-create the day’s experience for you. How can you be PLAYFUL in the ways in which your work is CONNECTIVE? Who needs to hear your brand or product message to be uplifted in their lives, and why? What are playful ideas for reaching them? What if your work day was REWARDING and EXHILARATING? What would your project flow look like? How would you feel on any given Monday? What energy would YOU bring to the project table as you approach your tasks and work goals? At the end of the day, journal your experience and see what comes up.

The more you embody your Work Word, the more you call its energy in to meet you in the work day. As you apply the language of your own choice to approaching your work, your work experience itself will change in response.

Explore how it feels to use stronger Work Words to call in better energy as you #healworklife.

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