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Peace, Profit, Prosperity: Why I Want You To Know You Are Powerful

Katherine Lieber

There's SO much more out there for you than you've been told, and you have the power to claim and create it.

Think for a minute what your main worries are. Are you're happy with your life as it is now? Are you're OK with your weight, relationships, career, job, finances, and the feeling life is giving you what you need from it?

Do you walk through your day beset by fears, such as the fear of not being good enough, of being judged or criticized even though you're very talented, of financial worries? Do you have toxic or crazy-making people in your life who you feel obligated to keep letting in past your boundaries even though they keep messing things up for you? Do you struggle to make progress on the secret goals and ambitions that are the real things that matter the most to you?

Freedom from all of these is why I want you to know you are powerful.

I want you to have the three P's: Peace, Profit, and Prosperity. (And a lot more than that, but we'll start with the three P's for now! :) )

My own story and career arc led me through many challenges. I had three S's, Success, Skills, and Smarts, but I certainly didn't have the three P's. I was a hugely successful tech innovator, but also a driven workaholic who worried all the time. I lived the very basic version of life that society modeled, and it felt hugely empty. At that time I was not secure in my inner power, and I did not have the first P, Peace. Nor did I ever feel Profitable, even when I was. And in terms of Prosperity, my life felt like it was permanently on hold waiting for a sense of abundance and a feeling of security to come down the pipeline, some how, some distant "some day".

I knew there MUST be more to life than this one-dimensional model. I craved and ached for it. But there was no one to guide me into realizing that I was powerful, that it was OK and even good, right, and necessary for me to stand up for my own value and the value of what I was bringing to the workplace, and the world. That I could live a life where I enjoyed waking to life's adventure each day NOW, not some mysterious time in some decades-in-the-future retirement. Ultimately, I figured it out on a long, amazing, beautiful journey, but I still sorrow at all the years my past self was hurting so much, wanting answers, wanting guidance.

To fill that gap in guidance is why I ultimately made it my life's mission to teach others they are powerful, and why I'm writing this to you today.

For yourself -

  • What is your own vision of Peace, Profit, and Prosperity? What do you want for yourself in each of these three areas?

  • What are the worries that you're facing? What keeps you awake at night? Use your imagination. How could being secure in your own inner power begin to CHANGE these for you? Even REMOVE them from your life entirely?

  • What would you change about your life NOW if you could, but feel helpless to do so?

  • How could you being to act in more powerful ways about this topic, even small ones, even changing ONE inner belief or thought?

Even changing one small thing can get you started. What will you change today?

Keep Growing,

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