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July is Power Month! Learn to Reclaim, Enjoy, and Use Your Own Authentic, Inner Power

Katherine Lieber

Reclaiming your inner power helps you go farther in life and work.

For the month of July we'll focus on POWER, how to reclaim it if you've lost it, and the many aspects of understanding power and powerlessness that can help you reclaim your own authentic, inner power to bring your vision to life.

One of the main responses I hear is, "But what if I don't want to be powerful?" Or, "But I'm not a powerful person, and I don't think I could ever be."

Power is a heavily charged word. And it has a lot of negatives associated with it, because we so often hear about its abuses in business via the media. Or we see those bombastic, overblown caricatures of the bad-power alpha-female or alpha-male that fill the drama screen with their scheming.

These can make you want to shun power entirely. "Me, powerful? I'm not that kind of mean, abusive, conniving person -- not me, no way." And no - of course you're not!

But that's not what real power is, and it's certainly not what your authentic inner power is. In fact, your inner ability to hold power is an essential ingredient in the recipe of your life.

Taking on your own inner, authentic power is the difference between you running your own show, and a lot of fears, triggers, or other people's expectations running it. It's the difference between you being stuck behind unnecessary limitations that block you and keep you small all your life while you see others reaching and achieving and getting the things you want, or you being able to stand up for yourself and lead yourself to the amazing life achievements you desire -- even the 10x goals you dare to dream of!

"Taking on your own inner, authentic power is the difference between you running your own show, and a lot of fears, triggers, or other people's expectations running it." Click to Tweet

So to start you out on a good Power Month, let me offer an exercise...

  • What words help make power a positive image for you, such that you can begin to reclaim it for yourself?


  • Fill in your own here: power!

  • Pick your power, and begin to live it in small ways starting right now. Change a thought. Change a habit. Change a behavior. Feel how you already begin to feel different.

Begin to think of more ways you can recapture your wise, loving, strong, boundary-holding, authentic inner power. Welcome to Power Month!

Keep Growing,

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