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How Limitlessness Improves Every Aspect Of Your Life

Katherine Lieber

The very act of reaching for more infuses every aspect of your life with greater success potential, and greater joy.

As you continue your limitlessness quest, realize that the very act of reaching for more infuses every aspect of your life with two things that fire it up: greater success potential, and greater joy.

Whatever your goal, it is FAR MORE than just the barrier-breaking goal you’ve set for yourself this month. All striving for growth involves you experiencing the true power that underlies your life. It connects you with with the amazing resources actually available inside you. To get to your Isle of Desire, you must step out of your ordinary state of awareness, the one that’s pasted you into an unchanging and perhaps, boring and unfulfilling status quo that you’ve believed is “all that is”. You step into the challenge, where the journey to your expanded arena of limitlessness can begin.

Taking on a limit-breaking challenge helps you suspend reality and get out of the thinking patterns that have guided you until this point. It gets you past the ongoing mental chatter that merely serves to preserve the limited reality you learned in your family or school. As you reach for your limitlessness, you’ll find that:

  • You develop new habits and skills that are more truly focused on success.

  • You build the awareness of how far you can really go and how much farther that is than anything you previously believed.

  • You build the template within yourself of how to create limitlessness in this endeavor, which translates to going farther in any endeavor.

  • You learn your blocks and barrier points, and the strategies that successfully get you past them at each stage of the journey.

  • You develop the self-leadership that enables you to lead yourself and others to greater contributions in the world.

  • You connect much more deeply - with the world, with yourself, with others.


  • You receive the joy of realizing you are far more than you thought, now on a living, life-affirming, rejuvenating journey into power and growth - one that constantly refreshes itself with new things to achieve.

To touch on just the first point, new habits and skills that are more truly focused on success, take a look at all the things you are putting into place now to ensure you reach your quest’s goal. Barrier-confrontation is one -- you may realize new ways to work through all your balking points or get past all the ways you try to wiggle out of the task you’ve set for yourself (even though it’s something you want!). What do you know now about how to get past those little false-fires and into the flow of successful change actions?

You may have a new realization of time -- How much time did you spend in your pre-quest life, doing things that didn’t contribute to your success? What do you do differently, now that you’re aware of that?

You may have a new realization of the importance of curating your energies -- How often previously did you allow toxic people to guilt you or derail you from your goal, or even let yourself derail you by lapsing into passive time-wasting? What do you do differently now, to make sure you have enough energy for growth and your quest?

You may realize how refreshing it is to follow the quest, yet how challenging. The balance of the average day is spent repeating the same things over and over -- the same route to work, the same office, the same people, the same general set of tasks and duties, the same route home, the same evening. There is a mental bias toward accepting that, because it feels familiar and safe, and our minds crave that safety (and of course, need that stability in the right amounts), and getting past that bias can represent a challenge. As always, it takes energy to change. Yet, it's worth it. When routine life goes on for too long it begins to reinforce stagnation and the feeling that it is powerless to change. There is a great gulf of achingness when too much sameness takes over life - as it too easily can - and in fact, even more of an achingness when through that routine-bias, we feel there is no possibility, hope, potential, or life-energy available to make a change.

By tapping into the power of your own limitlessness through challenging and achieving your goal, you can tune in to the degree to which you can go much farther than you ever thought you could, while also building the skills to get there. As you do, you infuse new energy into your thoughts, actions, and life. As you infuse new energy, unexpected and delightful pathways open up. And, as all this happens, you also become a more skilled, compassionate, successful person. Life is more fun to be in, and you're more fun to be around, connecting and creating the collaborations you desire.

Keep reaching, because once you achieve a limitlessness goal once, your skills last a lifetime. You can apply the knowledge you gain to any new endeavor - in any area of your life.

What have you learned from your limitlessness project today that translates into improved success and enjoyment of other areas of your life? How has it infused new power, passion, and purpose into your life and achievements?

Keep Growing,

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