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Choose Your Power Attribute

Katherine Lieber

Your power attribute is a metaphor that empowers you throughout the day.

I'm handing you the keys. Hold out your hand and feel them. They're on a nice heavy ring. What do you see when you look at them? Maybe they're they keys of the hundred ancient locks of yourself. Maybe they're a modern ring of keys to your dozen luxury cars, each one better than the next. Maybe they're keys to the many rooms of your success, all holding amazing experiences one after the other. Maybe they're the keys that start up and run your Inner Power Matrix when you need a boost. What they look like is up to you.

I just let go. They're yours, in your hand, you've got them now. They are the Keys to the Kingdom, and they're one of your main Power Attributes. You can carry them with you, and since they exist in your mind, you can access them any time. In fact, pick one now that feels intriguing and amazing. Open whatever it opens, start up whatever it starts. What do you see? How does it change how you feel?

These are an example of a Power Attribute, an imaginary yet powerful way to shift your thoughts and bring on a state of strength. You can create any Power Attribute you like based on your needs as you walk your power journey. Using your thoughts deliberately this way can create immediate transformation.

Steps For Choosing Your Power Attribute

  1. Close your eyes. Think of what challenges you face as you grow your power. Or, what would you most like help with?

  2. Now, think of what would help you connect with the energy you need to overcome this aspect that's challenging you. A key or ring of keys, a crystal pyramid you can hold in your hand, an action figure warrior that embodies defense against fear, a symbol such as Infinity that reminds you you are more powerful than you realize are all ideas.

  3. Close your eyes and envision holding out your hand, or hold out your physical hand. See your attribute appear as an item, figure, or symbol. If it is meaningful to you, envision another person handing you the attribute and empowering you with its qualities.

  4. Imagine the item clearly. Really see and feel it clearly in your mind's eye. Touch it, hold it, turn it over and over to really see and feel it in your hand.

  5. Practice feeling its resonance as you interact with it. How does holding it in your hand change how you feel? How you act? How you live and achieve?

  6. Put it somewhere in your mind, or mentally on your body (pocket, heart center, etc.), where you can reach for it easily. Try it out in various situations.

  7. Open your eyes, knowing it's now there when you need it.

Visualizations like this access your energy in fun and useful ways. Your Power Attribute is always there as a reminder and a metaphor of what you need as you build your new inner power throughout the day. It's an immediate way to re-access the higher level of thought you need to sustain your growth as you create your new level of power. The shifts in joy, confidence, and strength you can create by hanging on to it in times of need can impact your real-world actions.

Take a few minutes to create your attribute now. What do you choose? How does it make you feel? How do you use it in your day?

Keep Growing,

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