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Limitlessness Month: Where Will You Take Yourself?!

Katherine Lieber

It's August - time for adventure into limitlessness!

It's August, and it's time to take yourself on an Adventure Month - your own adventure into limitlessness.

Why? Because the rewards will be amazing on August 31st. But more than that, they'll be amazing for the rest of your life. Once you learn the foundations of Limitlessness, every aspect of your life expands in potential.

Take on August as your personal Limitlessness Challenge. Between now and August 31st, join me in achieving something you've long wanted, but felt out of reach. Let's go!

What Is Limitlessness?

Limitlessness is:

  • the state of feeling you can expand into any area of personal and professional life that you desire, AND...

  • using your skills to take consistent action on it so that you upgrade your skills and make this experience your new normal.

To understand Limitlessness, it might be better to understand Limits...

Limits are anywhere you feel you can't do something that you want to do. Limits are the current set of what you see in your life as possible or impossible, difficult or easy, things that you 'may' or 'may not' reach for, what you 'should' or 'should not' be doing.

Limits and Limitlessness

The problem is this: Limits are artificial. And they are a self-fulfilling prophecy. To paraphrase the quote by author Richard Bach, the more you argue FOR your limitations, the more you limit yourself within them.

Argue for your own LIMITLESSNESS, instead. Begin to ask the powerful questions of expansion. Not "Why can't I do this?" but "How can I really do this... and enjoy it too?!"

Step Into Adventure

Throughout August I'll feature posts and techniques on creating real-life limitlessness throughout the month, including steps to create consistency, mindset for success, and how to build confidently into the unknown, an essential step to achieving your goal.


Your homework for today is this:

Pick one barrier you'd like to break in August - something you've longed to do, but have repeatedly shied away from doing whether through reluctance, fear, not wanting to look foolish, being told by others you aren't good at it, etc. This ending point is your Isle of Desire - the place you want to end up at by the end of the month.

Really get into the vision of it. Describe the following about it:

  • What do the feelings of it FEEL like? Are you confident, feeling superb, calm, no jitters, in command, joyful, at peace?

  • What are the ACTIONS involved? Do you take the stage and deliver your presentation with a sure voice? Do you pitch your masterful idea and get it accepted and funded? Do you eagerly begin a few collaborations, where before you were too reluctant?

  • What real-life RESULTS does breaking this barrier give you? Can you negotiate a better salary with your new negotiating confidence? Can you bring more of your ideas and innovations into being such that they add to your impressive portfolio? Are you far better at networking while also remaining authentic?

For example, "By the end of the month, I feel confident about public speaking. I've really wanted to communicate my message of peace, prosperity, and profit to a huge group. Now I see myself walking out in front of them as I take the stage. I hear my confident step as I walk out. I feel how prepared and calm I feel, with a good dose of nervous excitement. I know how to manage the tech of my slides, and how to use story to captivate my audience with ease. I'm on stage, and they're all watching with interest from the audience, and it feels amazing. Once I master this, I know I can speak on any topic, at any time, to whatever audience I want - truly powerful stuff in my life's mission."

Write yours down now. What barriers will you break, what limits will you transcend, where will you take yourself this month?

Keep Growing,

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