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5-Minute Growth: Your Story is Never Incomplete Or Broken

Katherine Lieber

Keep writing the next chapter, starting from where you are now.

Your story is not incomplete or broken.

I know many people who linger in the past and never meet their story on the road where they are. They think, “If I had only done A, B, or C, just 5, 10, 15 years ago, I’d be so much farther along right now, and I’d really have the foundation to be getting where I want to go.” Often this is a comparison with others. “If I’d only done X, Y and Z in my 20s (or 30s, or 40s) like everyone else, by now I’d be so far ahead!”

The problem with this is that it places all your potential for action in the past. Where you can’t touch it. You may sigh your share of wistful sighs and think, well, coulda woulda shoulda, but the time sure is gone. You may even feel like a failure.

Don’t let that stop you. Make the choice to meet your story where you are now. You do not “have to have done everything just right,” because the perfect “just right” is a fictional, cookie-cutter idea of how life should be. Certainly, your options may be different now than they were back then, but that’s just about meeting your ambitions as the person you are today.

Appreciate the value of what leads you to pursue this now, after the intervening years. What did you learn that you would not have otherwise? What can you bring to the table that your previous self did not know? What secret fire has kept this ambition glowing within you? How does all this help you dial more deeply into success?

Your story is never incomplete, nor is it broken, as if it were only ever measured over some ideal of “what everyone else does”. It is uniquely yours. Meet it where it is, and begin to write the next chapter.

Keep Growing,

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