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5 Easy Changes To Give You The Energy To Achieve Your Goals

Katherine Lieber

two woman, yoga, warrior
Change takes energy... where will you find yours?

When you're fatigued or struggling with spaceyness or burnout, there's no way you can begin to create the life and work-life of your dreams.

If you're getting home so tired you can barely stand it, or waking up struggling with brain fog even after your night's sleep, there's no way you can make coherent plans and carry them out, no matter how great they are. Even the weekends may not give you enough recovery time to restore the focus you need to put towards your life changes.

When you're fatigued or struggling with spaceyness or burnout, there's no way you can begin to create the life of your dreams. That's why preserving your energy is so important. Click to tweet.

That's why preserving your energy is so important. It's why I touch on both Energy Medicine and Food As Power in the things I teach. The truth is, a whole constellation of things can impact your energy.

Here are five changes you can make to work to conserve your energy and have more to put toward your vision and dream life:

  1. Explore and find YOUR optimum diet. If you're experiencing fatigue, brain fog, chronic inflammation, hormonal imbalance, intense PMS, and the like, you may be having dietary symptoms. Experiment with varying dietary choices, ex. week of no grains, week of no sugar, week of no preservatives or gums, week of high fats + low carbs, etc. See how each shift changes your experience. Play further with the ones that make you feel better. Your optimum diet is completely personal to you, so only you can craft it! Note that relieving PMS may take extra time. (Tip on eliminating sugar: don't try to eliminate the need for sweetness cold turkey, just shift all sugar, brown sugar, honey, maple syrup, etc. out of your diet for the week and use either Erythritol or Xylitol (please note that Xylitol is ok for you, but toxic to your pets). Both have no or low glycemic load, behave relatively like regular sugar, and have a fairly normal (non-bitter) sugar taste.)

  2. Explore the Relationship Between What You Eat and How You Sleep. Explore how what you eat in the 6 hours before bedtime affects your sleep in the middle of the night. If you consistently wake up in the middle of the night and lay there wide awake and cursing the midnight hour, or, experience disrupted sleep with wakings every few hours wretchedly watching the clock advancing toward morning, it might be related to the carbohydrates you ate at dinner. Experiment! One thing to try is making your dinner a BIG beautiful salad with plenty of walnuts and lots of great dressing (i.e. vegetarian + higher fats + big volume so you experience the satisfaction of a good meal -- have your meats and carbs much earlier in the day).

  3. Cultivate real relaxation, not entertainment. I've so been there, watching videos endlessly and late because I was literally TOO tired-wired to get up and go to bed, so this one is from me to you! Find ways to really relax and shut down at the end of the day. Relax on your video intake or web surfing, which can jangle up and overstress your already stressed system. Go to bed early, even ridiculously so -- you may need it. Read a book in your last hour of the day. These days I love to close out the day by reading books about quiet, nourishing topics like energy healing and the wild creative. I turn off the wifi to minimize EMF, close the laptop, and read a book while making written notes in longhand in those last moments before bedtime.

  4. Make energy protection your priority. Get truly and totally selfish about PROTECTING your valuable attention and personal energy. It is Wise Male & Female Wisdom to vigilantly preserve these most valuable resources which ensure YOU have the best life possible -- i.e. it's not at all selfish, it's ESSENTIAL. If there are people who bother you and really grind your beans, then minimize contact with them as much as possible throughout the day. Especially protect your energies in the evening, when you may be more tired or vulnerable to disruption from interpersonal contact with difficult people (or even with nice people, if you're really tired). Your energy is your own most valuable resource -- be proactive in saying a wise No to the people or patterns that end up draining you.

  5. Consolidate tasks to save decision-making energy. Minimize the time you spend on low-level tasks, so that you have more decision-making energy for your big life goal tasks. Put things away in their own spaces immediately on getting home, which relieves clutter and keeps order with minimal effort. Trade off grocery store shopping for delivery. Make a simple schedule to do laundry, tasks, chores, etc. on the same days each week. When you don't have to decide on these small things, you preserve your decisional and life energies for better things.

Extra Credit: Write out 5 more ways you could make changes to your daily life so that you have MORE ENERGY for the life vision that matters.

Boost your health with the right foods, get better sleep, and preserve the energy you have. The changes you want to make for your dream life all take energy -- make sure you have enough in the tank to stay consistent and make it all happen for yourself!

Keep Growing,

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