You already have within your grasp an automated assistant to give you desktop popups that can alert you throughout the day of your goals, affirmations, power statements, and the like. It's Google Calendar. Here's how.
1. Set up an event in Google Calendar. The title of the event should be your mantra. For example, "What would it take for me to be, act, and feel totally LIMITLESS right now?"
2. Set the event to whatever time of day you'd like the notification.
3. Set it to send Notification 1 minute before the event.
4. Make sure you have desktop notifications enabled for Google Calendar in your browser of choice (Firefox, Safari, Chrome, etc.). If you like having the alert sound, that's set under Settings in Google Calendar.
5. Set to Repeat Daily if you'd like it to recur.
Use these desktop notification to remind you of your goal and focus, with an alert sound too if that's your setting. It's one way you can begin to create a greater number of reinforcements of the positive as you #healworklife.
Keep Growing,