Stay on track. Begin to connect everything you do in your working day with your life vision.
I'm busy. You're busy. There's a lot to do in life -- of course! Deadlines, calendars, meetings, so much to experience, achieve, change, scale up, grow.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it is, in all of this flow -- not to lose sight of your mission!
The ongoing flow of the everyday, of life and work, is a powerful force. It carves its own deep channel, wild as a riverbed, carrying you ever onward. Without focus, you can get disconnected from your life vision just by this flow, as the river moves you onward through cycles of day and night, energy and rest. Without focus, you can also get caught up in the everyday as mere fires to put out, hoping for some fulfillment down the line when you have that project done, that degree achieved, that new position.
Keep your Life Vision alive throughout your work day by applying these two key practices:
Tie Each Working Day To Your Life Vision
If you don't yet have a life vision or a work-life vision, now's the time to create one. Take time this evening or weekend to draft a blueprint for what you want your work and life to be like in the future. If it completely blocks you to specify timeframes such as "1 year" or "5 years", just forget the dates, and focus on what you want and where you want it to take you. Make it amazing and exciting. It's your life and your work-life, so call in everything you want it to be.
Add in at least one 10x goal where you really reach for something big. Take something you want and multiply it by 10x and let that expansiveness fill your inner being with its amazing possibility.
Write out anything you want in this. It's always a draft, and you can always change it at any time!
Now, begin to connect everything you do in your working day with your life vision. In your current job, begin to look for the things that reinforce your vision's direction. As you do, begin to make the small switches that make it more in line with the things you wish to have and achieve in your collaboration with work, life, your company, your career arc.
Life and work-life still flows on, it always will -- but you can leverage that flow by beginning to make all its daily pieces carry you as much toward your vision as possible.
Stay Connected With YOU!
Even as you embody your future vision, keep sight of how each moment in your day is helping lead you there. This is the Everyday Sacred, the moment of daily value, worth, presence and balance.
You are moving most quickly toward your goals when you yourself are grounded and present INSIDE the moment, the NOW.
Focus on how life and its sacred hour-by-hour existence has meaning and momentousness, 24 hours a day. One of the most terrible experiences of the modern life and workplace is the societally-endorsed, thoughtless devaluation of everything as "merely" this or "merely" that, as if the moments of your life have no value. Merely a project, a hassle. Merely something to be mentally escaped by surfing social media when you should be working.
When you're disconnected like this, you're not 'here', and neither is life able to be 'here' for you. It feels empty, like life and work-life are merely a big series of inconveniences. But when you're connected, then everything begins to open up for you.
Begin to keep your mind, heart, and mental focus INSIDE the moment -- even the business moment. When you stay inside the present moment, you can begin to begin to make the wise choices that lead you to a better place, even the tough ones or the big decisions.
Begin to Perceive the Everyday Sacred
The everyday sacred is all around you, all the time. It only takes a mindset shift, getting out of the low-level flow of life as chronic inconvenience, and realizing that life at a moment by moment level really is amazing. Each day is a renewal. Each experience around you has its own story and its own marvels, and brings wellsprings of realization, both inner and outer.
If you're a visionary entrepreneur, tune in to this mindshift and begin to build your business around it.
If you're a visionary professional, see where things need to be fixed, and how your special talents really do bring the remedies to you that are needed.
Take the life and work-life moment seriously and let it fulfill you. Connect with these ideas in your life.
Where do you see it in what's around you? Enjoy, and let it guide you along to your goals as you #healworklife.
Be well,
Katherine Lieber is a high-performing technology founder, CEO, and Director, leading the frontier of business transformation through analytics. She specializes in crafting systems that transcend conventional paradigms in business success and technology. Also a seasoned coach-consultant, her body of work designed for Healing the Wounded Professional, offers transformative modalities that integrate wisdom, energy-based, and alternative techniques.